Tuesday, March 21, 2017

I'm back

Hello Blog readers of the interweb.
  It's been a long time since I have posted anything on here. So long and so much has happened... it seems like that to me anyway. I have been thinking and came up with a good big post idea and wrote it all out a month ago (on paper) but as often is the case I was nervous about posting my thoughts for the big wide world. So, I instead procrastinated and looked at my profile and had a good laugh at some of what my interests and favorites were when I first started this blog. Obviously I am no longer the same person anymore, I don't know when that happened. but I thought before I change anything on there, perhaps I'll just post a pic so you can see who I was too.
There. I did it, now I'll update it and finally post what I've been meaning to come on here in the first place and post. P.S. I love that I said my occupation was official shower cleaner ~Hahaha.

Monday, April 30, 2012

So me! :P

  Lately as I'm sure you could tell from my recent blog post(s) I've been wasting much of my time on here, as in the internet. I can't help it I've gone without for so long, it's addicting. But seriously with the weather changing for the better I will struggle to do the same with limiting my time on here :P. I'm sure you've guessed by now though that I have spent a bit of time on here today and that's why I made it here to share something cool I've discovered and it is this awesome webpage ~> http://del4yo.squarespace.com/
 they have paper house patterns, cute cutout "To" tags, and printable stationary, etc. it's so cool i just had to share it! I might have to go get some cardstock for printing on, since printing paper is quite flimsy. Oh and here's this sweet diorama I wish to print too!

 Anyway I haven't been on here exclusively. Since the weather has been so nice (flowers and sunshine and hummingbirds and grass and water oh my! <3 love this weather!!), my husband and I have gone yardsaling and yesterday for the first time went a bike riding on the trail by the river near our apartment. The river is a bit high and has flooded the trail in some spots so of course we had to try to bike through the icy waters, many times. My guy is so great! Aterward we traversed the neithborhoods, chased down the icecream truck by ear for surely six blocks and ended up all the way to mission ave.! I biked really fast through the river in the road and got soaked :D there were kids nearby and apparently they were watching and thought that was cool :P We passed some Canadian geese and thier lil baby goosling hoarde. So cute! It lasted for 2 and a half hours, we had so much fun!! I'm totally bringing my camera next time!

Something cool that I'd love to get is one of those instaprint cameras or an original polaroid camera because they print out pics right on the spot bordered by white and perfect for sending to people or pinning on the wall.

Instaprint Mobile Photo Booths, Fun for Parties and Events
Polaroid Supercolour 635 Black

  Oh! Something else, I've been writing letters to friends that I really don't talk to all that much. It made me think how silly it is that people don't really hand write through snail mail letters anymore. I wonder if it's a suprise to the post office people when one comes through. and it's strange because we constantly send our peeps texts and messages through email, we hardly ever write letters or get together for "coffee" anymore. I don't know maybe it's just me but I find that such a shame because it's the most fun when you get something in the mail or get together with somebody. Everyone thinks they're so busy and preoccupied they can't pause to write somebody. Or selfconscious and shy they don't get together. Hm. Let's change that!

Okay well I've spent enough time on here, Have a fantabulous day!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Hello all,
This is Staci in Washington. I just noticed that it still says staci crowe, i wonder is i can fix that? Anyway, Alot has happened since my last post such as moving into our appartment, settling into my job, finding and going to church, the usual stuff. both of our parents and extended family have come to visit us and I've made some really nice friends at work. Lately as I always do I'm really excited about decorating and looking at pretty things, luckily we just now got internet access so its no longer bound to only books and magazines :P Ive kinda spent an hour this morning looking at sites like pinterest and etsy and other blogs. It is raining outside after all. :P I love eucalyptus, its a childhood smell! anyway here are some sweet finds i found in my driftings:
silver eucalyptus leaf necklace on etsy
Somebody's art of eucalyptus sold on etsy
Some super awesome cabbage-bloom earrings also sold on etsy
I also came across a remarkably talented artist whose oil painting look more realistic than if youd taken a picture of his subject, his name is Davis Jon Kassan. Here are some examples of his work,
So apparently he uses "fingerpainting" on an ipad, as i was looking up some more of his stuff i realized this. This looks like the one below was painted with a brush but not so.
which is kindof a bubble popper, seeing he's really good with the ipad too it makes you wonder which as done with a medium and which was done digitally. not that both aren't art because they both took talent and work but looking at a paintingdone with paint seems so much more inpressive as there is no undo button and you have to learn the trade. You may have seen this video:

Well thats all for now :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Let's be Organized :D

So in the first few months after My guy *popped* the question, I've gone through my room and tossing many things and packing up almost all of the rest, because I'm so ontop of it~~ haha yah right. Just a few weeks ago, I took up this cardboard box filled with papers and letters from ages ago, out from the crawl space under the house. After it sitting in my room for some time I got myself to sit down to confront it, in the hopes of getting rid of most all of it. Yay! ...right?

It worked... sortof. I got rid of all my replys from fellow students in writing club and other odd papers swirling in the mix. But I didn't expect it to be so hard to get rid of my letters or for it to be such a treat to read through them all over again. It inspired me to write a few of those people. Apparently I've got a soft spot for memrobilia. Needless to say, I ended keeping all my letters and cards and I stuffed them all (sideways) into a (large) shoebox and put them back under the house. I suppose you could say my tactic when fighting clutter is Out of site, out of mind, back into storage...darn :P

Hey! How do you tackle clutter?


Saturday, April 23, 2011

To continue posting :)

Have you ever overdone something to where your hesitant to go back and continue. yeah... I've done that a few times with different things. This is one of them. I went overboard crazy on the last post on here... It's a little intimidating to try to come back and post something. I've gotten on here to post three times then chickened out ~haha. So I'm gonna move forward not even going to think about the last post k? just moving forward.

Um so what to talk about? alot has happened since you last heard from me, like ALOT. I don't really know where to start but I am getting married next month. Next MONTH!!! Eeeeeee!!!!!!! I'm so nervous!!! Really excited but also extrememly nervous and maybe even a little on edge :P Most all of the wedding stuff has been taken care of except for little loose ends here and there to be tied. such as ribbons, goldfish, scrapbook, um final count of who's attending... which affects food, tables and chairs. The sun is shining and the snow is finally melting in my front yard!~ Yay!, since that's where the wedding will be taking place :) I have to go my computer is freezing up, hopefully this will get me back into writing on here :D
Until later~

Thursday, March 17, 2011

On Love

I wrote this just slightly over a week ago :P

So January 15th The man with whom I’d grown such a bond with and longed to be married to and with whom we’d spoken about being married together, proposed to me, in the naturally suave way of his. After much tearful blubbering on my part, I said yes. And we shot off from there in preperation for our wedding. We planned to be wed in only a few short months, after all, why wait? I know he’s the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and he wants the same. That plus, he’s planning on leaving to a different state this next semester to continue his pursuit in getting the degree for his future career. So it would be foolish for me to stay here while he is away for some years. And the sooner we got together the sooner we could get into the swing of things and not be shocked all at once with the many, many, many changes we’d have to face and conquer together. So here I am. Supposedly most of the planning is taken care of and my Beau and I are taking a pre-marital counseling from the teaching of my ol’ youth pastor. The first meeting we went to surrounded mostly around love. The definition, the importance of, and how we know we love the person we wanted to become our spouse, and the reasons behind us wanting to be married to one another, etc., etc. Here are some of my musings on the matter, most of which I already thought this way. But it got my mind a thinking on them again and so I thought I’d share them with you.


Love is a feeling yes, and I admit right now that I’m in this feeling right now. The fluttery feeling you get in your chest when he comes around or looks at you that makes you feel out of breath. And the deep thrumming of your heart where you feel you could explode with happiness and affection toward somebody, just by thinking about them. that you’d be willing to do anything for them to make them happy and satisfied. But beware if your love for somebody is only the feelings that you feel about your somebody, that’s just attraction and caring for them (which is important mind you) but it’s a shallow thing to base a relationship on because we’re all human and our emotions are like a roller coaster. One minute you feel you love somebody and would do anything for them, the next you hate their guts and want to throw something in their face. I‘ve yet to feel so negative toward him… the point I’m trying to get across is that a relationship like that can’t just be based on your feelings for somebody.

It’s also a decision. There has to be deep friendship with them, a comfortable ability to be accepted for yourself in who you are. Otherwise why would you live with somebody you don’t know and/or you have a mask on around them? Keep in mind I’m jumping ahead of myself here when I say live “together”, I’m talking about when you get married to said person, I do not in any way approve of living together or “doing anything” before marriage, I think it’s stupid people think they have to test each other before they commit. All this to say, there has to be a commitment to that person that even on those days you (as I said) “hate their guts”, you will stick to them and not ride away because your feelings have jumped tracks. You know you like him/her, you want to give your life to be with him/her, so it is a commitment as well as a feeling otherwise it’ll fall apart like most marriages today. Because those marriages ride solely on attraction and the fulfillment they get off one another.

So there is
1.attraction to the person,
2.Love for the person and
3.there must be commitment to the relationship.

“Why,” you ask, “do so many Americans divorce or cheat on each other today?”, I believe it’s because when you feel discontent with your life with the person and forget your commitment to the person and stat focusing on yourself and the 50/50 theory. Your focusing on what you get and not what you give and you start to think what did I get myself into, the devil sneaks in to make you think that you settled down too fast with the wrong person because there were so many other guys out there that you could’ve been with. That this one just wasn’t “The perfect One”. When that happens it’s important to note that your being a selfish brat and you made a commitment. This is a commitment to give yourself to them, to please them, love them, provide for them, grow with them, to Live LIFE with them for the Rest of your Days on earth. It’s not simply a commitment to live your life in their company and accept their love and affection. You must give give-give-give to receive. Otherwise both sides are waiting to get and nobody is giving, and so nobody is getting, which is why the 50/50 theory doesn’t work. I can’t go halfway toward trying to make our relationship work and expect my guy to go halfway, when we may have different ideas of what halfway is. If you just wait for the other spouse to go what you think is halfway and you stop where you think your halfway is, your spouse will not be able to meet your expectations because 1.they’re human and 2they have their own view of halfway which isn‘t yours. Nobody will ever meet in the middle if you don’t push yourself all the way to please and love your spouse. You love them, so show them, with as much as possible, as often as possible, because to do otherwise is childish. It’s like drawing a line across the room and saying, “This is as close as I’m willing to get to you on that side of the room. This is my fair share of the walking work to get closer to you, now you come the rest of the way.” And little do you know your spouse has their own view of halfway. You must cross your preconceived notion of “halfway” to keep things going smoothly. This is my take on the matter anyway, but then again I’m not married yet. :P

Now let me backtrack a bit since I kind of got on a rampage ahead of myself. All that in the above paragraph is for the people who have already found the guy/girl you want to spend the rest of your life with (like me) and have gotten married(not yet like me :D). what I’m about to say to you dear readers hasn’t much to do with you married people, I don‘t think. This is for those people still searching.

Now let me tell you something important and difficult to distinguish in, Every person you notice and think, “hey they could be the one for me, their a Christian, they’re cute, and seem nice” doesn’t mean they’re the one for you, let me stress this because you can come across many guys that fit that criteria ok? Don’t jump on the chance to become “better aquainted” with them, that can get you into trouble, you could be perceived as a jumper, a flippant fling addict, and a player. Which in turn can scar your rep and cause people to gossip about you. maybe that doesn’t seem like a big deal after all who cares what other people think, which is true in many cases in life, you shouldn‘t live your life to please others. But this is an example of an instance that it’d be important to keep your reputation intact. Because you could potentially become a stumbling block and blur other’s vision in what is right and wrong, and because it would keep people from thinking well of you. So you ask, “But if I don’t try to make that sort of relationship with other people of the opposite sex, how do I know when they’re the right one?!” very good question and it’s hard to answer. I was never one who made a list of “he must have’s like a glorious smile and long wavy locks sitting on the back of a white stallion… haha. although I suppose there were some things that I realized I needed like humor, adventure and encouragement to be better. That said some people do make a list of requirements, which is probably just fine but remember you want a human not a computer program and nobody is perfect. If your somebody who’s looking for someone exactly like you and you’ll agree all the time about everything…that’s kinda creepy. As I said we’re all human and all different. We look at thinks and think of things and do things differently. That doesn’t mean you incompatible, in fact I think it’d be good if you don’t do everything the same but don’t hold it against them. Accept the difference and over time through conversing over serious matter of difference, adjusting, and just accepting those differences while living life you meld into one being. Although that being said on differences, similarities are important too, It’s not good to be total opposites either, else you don’t understand each other at all. This falls into the “being accepted for who you are so you can be yourself” category.

Now the most important similarity to have, I should’ve mentioned first before everything else(but my thoughts seem to be a scattered about) is your Relationship with God. It’s extremely, extremely important that your belief and faith and dedication to growth in God are the same and I know this sounds “well, duh!” but in this world I’ll say it anyway… that the God of the one you’ve got googoo eyes for is the same God that you follow.

Okay, really long laying down of my thoughts so let me wrap up:
1. not every guy you think is cute, nice and christian is the one for you
2. It’s important that your opinions and views on important things are the same [such as God and where you see life going (kids, living where, etc.)] even if little non-consequential things aren’t [such as coke or pepsi, summer or winter, bicycle or motorcycle].
3. Three important things that you need to make a relationship to work well is Attraction, Love, and Commitment.
4. God must be adored and be the core around which your life revolves. Before anything in the universe, and before any human being. Before your guy, your kids, your family, your friends, your life.