Have you ever overdone something to where your hesitant to go back and continue. yeah... I've done that a few times with different things. This is one of them. I went overboard crazy on the last post on here... It's a little intimidating to try to come back and post something. I've gotten on here to post three times then chickened out ~haha. So I'm gonna move forward not even going to think about the last post k? just moving forward.
Um so what to talk about? alot has happened since you last heard from me, like ALOT. I don't really know where to start but I am getting married next month. Next MONTH!!! Eeeeeee!!!!!!! I'm so nervous!!! Really excited but also extrememly nervous and maybe even a little on edge :P Most all of the wedding stuff has been taken care of except for little loose ends here and there to be tied. such as ribbons, goldfish, scrapbook, um final count of who's attending... which affects food, tables and chairs. The sun is shining and the snow is finally melting in my front yard!~ Yay!, since that's where the wedding will be taking place :) I have to go my computer is freezing up, hopefully this will get me back into writing on here :D
Until later~